The one off Hugo was designed by Sara Felix and the sculpt was a joint effort between Sara and Vincent Villafranca. Sara and Vincent also designed the Worldcon 76 base together back in 2018.
The JP walks through the basics of where the idea came from and follows through the process. After reading an article that appeared in the souvenir book for Noreascon 4 written by Peter Weston Sara thought a tartan rocket was possible with the design and approval of Landing Zone Glasgow which Sara designed for the convention previously.
Sara says, “This design is dedicated in loving memory to Deb Geisler. If it wasn’t Deb sending me a link to the article that Peter wrote I would never had the idea in the first place. She was amazing and always a source of inspiration for me.” The link to the Journey Planet can be found here.
Directions for folding the fanzine can be found here: https://www.rookiemag.com/2012/05/how-to-make-a-zine/

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